
Reduce stress in the workplace and 6X your ROI …

Can you afford employee stress in your business?

According to the Health & Safety Executive*, 12.8M days are lost every year in the UK due to workplace stress. And recent research from Deloitte reports poor mental health costs UK employers in the region of £33-£42BN a year. And there’s more …

Workplace stress doesn’t only impact the bottom line in terms of sick pay and reduced performance/productivity. There are also economic costs to the business such as employee commitment, attendance, recruitment & retention costs, accident rates, organisational image and reputation, and in extreme cases potential litigation.

And let’s not forget that losing a colleague for an extended period with a stress-related illness can have a dramatic impact on workload and morale of the rest of the team.


6X your ROI

Fortunately, more and more employers are waking up to the realisation that by putting their employee’s mental health first, and reducing stress in the workplace, productivity, morale and ultimately the bottom line, are significantly improved.

A small investment now in helping to mitigate the risks of stress in your workplace will reap the rewards to both your business and your employees.

According to, “Companies that have initiated wellness programs are seeing positive returns. Harvard researchers report a 6-to-1 return on investment [for every dollar spent on employee wellness]”.

“If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple.”

Richard Branson

Workshops and more...

We offer a number of programmes ranging from 1-hour ‘lunch-and-learn’ sessions, through to half-day and full-day workshops.

Our run-by-experts workshops are designed to be informative, fun, interactive, and more importantly, give attendees easy-to-implement strategies that they can use in many areas of their life to improve their wellbeing. This helps them become more motivated and productive, and also more able to cope in their daily and work lives.

For a selection of our workshops please see below. Content can also be tailored to suit your needs.

Sleep Smart

Sleep Smart

Why sleep is so important for mental and physical health, and how to get better sleep

  • The relationship between sleep, stress, and mental health problems
  • What happens when we don’t get good quality sleep
  • What (really) causes poor sleep
  • Practical strategies for getting a better night’s sleep

Building Resilience

Building Resilience

Understanding the relationship between stress and resilience

  • What is resilience and how do we get it?
  • What is (really) the difference between someone who’s resilient and someone who’s not, and why does it matter?
  • Challenging perceptions
  • Strategies for developing resilience

The 5 Pillars of Wellbeing

The 5 Pillars of Wellbeing

Recognise and understand the 5 Pillars of Wellbeing

  • Why wellbeing is important
  • How we (really) develop stress and mental health problems
  • Spotting the symptoms of stress and poor mental health early
  • 5-Pillars of Wellbeing Action Plan

Stress in the Workplace

Stress in the Workplace

  • How we develop stress, anxiety, anger, depression and mental health problems
  • The real causes of workplace stress
  • Motivation at work ‘audit’
  • How to create a more stress-free workplace environment
  • Practical workplace stressbusters!

Personal Stress

Personal Stress

  • How we develop stress, anxiety, anger, depression and mental health problems
  • The consequences of a full ‘stress bucket’
  • Spotting the symptoms of stress and poor mental health early on
  • Practical strategies for reducing symptoms of stress and improving wellbeing

Mental Health Awareness Manager Training

Mental Health Awareness Manager Training

  • ‘Good stress’ versus ‘bad stress’
  • Key factors associated with workplace stress – and how to mitigate the risks
  • Your responsibilities as a manager
  • Spotting the early signs of mental health problems – who’s most at risk?
  • When and how to intervene
  • Reasonable adjustments * Equality Act 2010 – with realistic examples

If you would like more information, or you would like to discuss any of our workshops in more detail, please get in touch or schedule a call directly.

We also offer business and performance coaching for groups and individuals. If this is something you’re interested in, or you would like to discuss further, please get in touch or schedule a call directly.

For individuals needing more tailored, one-to-one support, we can also offer personal stress coaching and therapy services – please see our one-to-one services.