Manage your stress and take back control of your life.
Stress in itself is not an illness; stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by excessive or prolonged pressures or challenges in your life – such as work, family, relationships, illness, finances, or generally just having a busy life!
Whether or not you show signs of stress will depend on whether you feel able to cope with those pressures or challenges. If you can cope, then you’re unlikely to exhibit symptoms of stress. However, if you feel you can’t cope, then you’re more likely to experience adverse physical, emotional or psychological reactions to those pressures.
Stress is very common and in recent times has become the most common cause of long-term sickness absence for employees. Over time, stress may also lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorder, and other illnesses.
How can I help?
It’s not always easy to remove the source of the pressure or challenges that you face. But it’s typically not the situation itself that’s causing you stress, it’s how you think about that situation.
By using a number of different techniques, I can help you reframe the way you think and get you focusing on the positives in your life. This will help you to respond to the pressures and challenges of life in a calmer, more positive way, helping you get back control and thus helping improve your symptoms of stress.
If you’d like to know more about how I can help you manage your stress better, please contact me.
Dr Marcelle Crinean, PhD, owner and director of Brain Reframe, is a highly qualified therapist, coach and lecturer.
In her busy practice, Marcelle successfully treats sleep and stress-related issues (including insomnia, anxiety and depression) as well as disordered eating, binge-eating and undereating. She regularly holds workshops and webinars, and trains business executives across the UK and Europe in the art of sleep and stress management.