
Marcelle Crinean
What Causes Overwhelm and How to Prevent It. How has your week been? Has it felt stressful? Did it seem like your to-do list was never-ending? Perhaps you feel as though you’ve been hit by a (metaphorical) truck? If so, there’s a high probability you’re feeling overwhelmed and not easily able to manage the state...
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I don’t know about you, but I’m somewhere between a night owl and a morning lark. I’d love to be one of these super humans who wakes up full of energy at 5am every morning to meditate, journal, exercise and get all their work done before 9am – but I’m not. I like to go...
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Willpower versus Self-Discipline We often talk about having the ‘willpower’ (or not!) to keep us focused on a weight-loss goal, but when it comes to achieving other goals, such as fitness or business-related goals, we tend to use the word ‘self-discipline’, rather than ‘willpower’. Why is that? If we look at the definition of...
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Christmas. The season to be jolly and full of good cheer. And the time of year where, on average, we consume between 6000 and 7000 calories on the 25th December alone, and gain between 1kg and 4kgs over the festive period. Worse still, statistics reveal that the majority of us who gain weight over the...
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Laugh More. Worry Less. A little while ago I read a woman’s magazine article that was headed “Laughing with friends until the Prosecco bubbles shoot out of your nostrils is one of life’s pleasures”. Not only did that headline make me smile, it made me wonder – when was the last time I had that...
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Cool tips to help you sleep better Too hot to sleep? Everyone seems to be struggling with sleeping in this uncharacteristic heat we’re having at the moment. And whilst getting our Vitamin D ‘fix’ from the sunshine during the day will be helping you get some shuteye at night, there are some other things you...
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Focusing on the here and now Approximately 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year, with 1 in 6 experiencing a common mental health problem, such as anxiety or depression, in any given week according to Anxiety UK. An increasingly popular technique for reducing anxiety and improving mental well-being is Mindfulness....
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Most of us know that too much stress isn’t good for us, and that it can – if left unchecked – lead to physical and psychological symptoms including depression, anxiety, insomnia, heart disease and stroke. However, not many of us know that stress can also severely impact our digestion and keep us fat. So before...
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Common thinking errors and how to reframe them.   Psychologists have identified a number of thinking errors – sometimes called ‘crooked thinking’ or ‘cognitive distortions’ – that most people make some of the time (and some people make all of the time!). Thinking errors are irrational, exaggerated and unhelpful thoughts which can stop you from...
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If we stop to think about it, we’d realise that diets don’t work – at least, not in the long term. Research shows that almost two thirds of us are on a diet to lose weight “all or most of the time”. Many of us achieve some weight loss by trying different diets but often...
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